Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot feel

Sunday, June 18, 2006

When Christ became a man, He showed His willingness to be tempted, tested, hated, and hurt. During His life on earth, He faced the same struggles we encounter. He had been sympathetic to man’s weaknesses before He came, but by taking a human body He identified with us in a dramatic way. His incarnation revealed the extent to which He would go to pay for our sin and to be touched by the trials and infirmities that make life so difficult to us.

On the smaller scale, people try to empathize with the suffering of others. Recently I know someone who feels being lost and frustrated in life. She was heartbreak and frightened by the future which is not easy for her to bring her feet into the right path. I know it is sad and touching but all of this is nothing compared with Christ’s coming into our world. No one else left so high a position to feel what mortal man feels. Jesus gave up heaven’s glory and was tempted in all points as we are, yet He did not sin. He bore our sins on the cross so that He could be merciful to us.

We have one who cares. When face temptations and trials, we can go to Jesus. He knows the feeling.


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