Feeling empty inside

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Life is not always like breathing fresh air which is full of lovely things. Sometimes people breathe but the truth they are not; they just like a leaf floating a river, flowing with a system of this world. Usually we turn our way into dancing to vanished sadness, but the truth is we are all longing for something. This something turns in a feeling of emptiness inside.

Some of us are lucky enough; they have everything in this world. They get everything they wanted and they may be prosperous outwardly. Even though they are satisfied feeding the outward side of their bodies, still they are bored with life and feel empty inside…. If they are honest…. The real facts, we are feeding our bodies with a lot of things and our minds with knowledge, and yet we starving our soul. Most of the time people forget that they have spiritual needs. Because of this truth we are habitually feel empty. And we asked ourselves… what is wrong with me? Where do I turn on? What and how am I going to do to get out of this feeling?

In order for us to escape in this kind of nightmare, we need to realize that we are not only have a body and mind, but we have a spiritual side to as well, because God created us with a soul. Whether we like it or not, the soul yearns for God. And satisfying this kind of yearning by means of our personal strength is not attainable. Only God can satisfy the inner longing of every human being. God created us in His own likeness and image (Gen. 1:26) because of this we are designed to have a personal relationship with Him. If we neglect Him or leave Him out of our lives, we are creating a blank space in our hearts. This instance is not quite remarkable. Sometimes we don’t care especially if we are busy or if we are happy and content in all our physical needs. But sadly speaking, if we continue neglecting the yearning of the soul, this yearning slowly defecate our heart which is not easily fade, because only God can fill the emptiness of the heart.

God actually wants us to know Him. He wants to bring peace and joy in our lives. God really love us. This is the reason why He brought Christ in this world. For us to be save and feel the presence of God. (1 Peter 3:18) In Rev. 3:20 He said “I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and open the door, I will go in and eat with him, and he with me.” Now, it is our decision. It is all up to us. If are going to open or not.


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